Romance After Kids...Keeping it Alive!!!


Hello Lovelies, 
It's another beautiful week.
I am very excited because Christmas is around the corner.
Are you??
The interesting topic for today is keeping romance alive after kids.
Welcome on board.

The transition from husband and wife
To mummy and daddy can be very tricky indeed.
You have to consciously work
To keep the fire burning.
Love is a choice!!
Love is a Verb!!!
Create what you want to see and try as much as possible to stay connected always.

Will be sharing a few;

1. Care for your spouse openly;
Strong marriages make strong families.
Intimacy is like a glue.
Your kids will always watch you.
They learn first from you what love should look like.
Add variety to your relationship.
Variety is the spice of life *winks
A sweet little note, buy small gifts, play ludo games, cards, pillow fight, etc.
Little affection before the kids isn't bad.
Hold hands, cuddle, kiss.
Your husband is the CAKE and the kids are the ICING!

2. Date Night;
This doesn't involve the kids. That is family night LOL!
Date night is more complex with kids but very possible.
It doesn't have to be elaborate.
It could be watching a movie & sipping a glass of wine as the kids are asleep,just talking and laughing, a lunch break while kids are in school etc.
The basic thing is to be creative.
The little time spent together will be refreshing!!

3. Being on the same parenting page; 
This is a tough one.
We are all raised differently with different experiences and different view point on lifeon life.
To reduce conflict it is good and necessary to talk about your parenting style.
Decide on the way to raise your kids together!

4. Pray Together; 
 A family that prays together, stays together.
Being spiritually connected cannot be over emphasized.
Pray with your spouse and pray for your spouse.
To keep that peace you need prayers.( Phil 4: 6-7).

Do you have other ways to keep the romance alive after kids????
Pls share.
Will love to hear your views.
Leave a comment below or send an email to;

Have a fabulous week!!! Cheers.


  1. I guess this is not for me now. I'm here to read comments lol....

  2. Awesome piece, will borrow when I'm married, soon!

  3. Well said,you hit the nail on the head..

  4. Well said,you hit the nail on the head..

  5. Well said...... One have to always keep the love and romance alive and strong after the kids arrive. Kids come to cement a relationship but some couples make the mistake of letting their kids kill the love and romance. Folks, always keep the love burning


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