Happy New Year Friends.... We made it!!!!
May this year 2017 be an  Exceptional year for us..
2016 was Amazing but 2017 will be Super Super Amazing.

Feels so good to blog again after MIA(Missing In Action).
So sorry  for the long silence.
In Between  my Tab crashing, moving  apartment  and establishing  a super market
(Dassah  Variety Center) which by God's grace is thriving well.
To  mummy duties and all I went MIA.

This  year  we are Back and Better.
Up and Running......
One of the new changes is there will be a new post up Every  Sunday.
More and Exciting changes on the way.
Stay glued. 

#Cooking some yummy  food for the New Year ##
#Yes You are Invited ##

It is going to be a great year.
Trust God whole heatedly.
Believe in Yourself
Turn Your Dreams to Plans
Plans to Action...

See You at the Top.
#Much Love#


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