FEATURED POST; Touch A Life with Love.(T.A.L.L).


10 Things I Learnt While Launching Touch A Life with Love Project by;
Patience Etsesimokhai.

Sometimes we want to launch out into something great, 
Into something the Lord has placed in our hearts but we feel afraid, 
incompetent, less-driven...........
The truth is if you don't do it, it will remain a dream.
The difference between dream and reality is Action. 
Do it afraid! 
No one will see those inadequacies once actualized.

Here are 10 lessons the Lord taught me as I prepared for "Touch a Life with Love (TALL) Project 1.0"

1. Once God gives you a vision, it doesn't matter when you choose to run with it. His word remains true and He is willing to bring it to pass

2. God always make provision for a vision He has given. Avoid calculating with you human mind how it shall come. All He requires is your total obedience

3. When you try to fulfil a God-given vision, you may feel discouraged along the way, that's not the time to quit. Just go ahead and do it anyway, you'll be glad  

4.God-given vision is larger than any individual. God sees Nations and generations when he gives a vision. Hence your disobedience is costly.

5. Relationships are key and people are valuable assets. You can never run with that vision alone no matter how anointed or graced you are. Surround yourself with faithful and committed people and you'll be amazed.

6. Sometimes God strips us of all pre-calculated resources so we can be totally dependant on Him.

7. Getting on your knees in prayers when things aren't working out is the only way to secure help. God will surprise you by sending the people you least expect

8. At the eleventh-hour, everything will fall in place, don't get excited yet, keep praying and praising.

9. Every God-given vision is a spiritual exercise. You'll need to contend with some forces in high places and you can only do so in prayers and the word by faith.

10. Satan won't be happy with you for fulfilling God's purpose, you'll face trials before, during and after. They'll make you stronger once overcome. Remember, Christ has overcome for us already.

Below are some pictures of T.A.L.L Project Season 1.
A big kudos to Patience and her team .
May God bless you all. 
For more information on T.A.L.L project contact
@patetsesi on Twitter.


**** What are the lessons you learnt while trying to start a project close to your heart***
Do share with us and let's learn together.

Do you want to feature your article ????
Send and email to me ; mumsnicheinspired.gmail.com.

Have a lovely day friends!!!!!!


  1. I know Patience and I have no doubts about her adequacies yet she is so humble to go before our God as nothing,empty-handed! This I love the most about you. Well done my love.


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